"Birthday Switch Hitter"

Hellbound with Halos show

Summary: It's Crystal's birthday week! We always tend to do a little Crystal focused show around her birthday, so we stuck with tradition. <br><br>The crew talks about what they used to do for birthdays as kids, ie; Chuck E Cheese, the Arcade, or out to dinner. That brought up the question of... at what age should kids stop having birthday parties? Sully thinks 12, Crystal agreed, and Kevin thinks it's about that age as well. Sully said it's like the age when you start having just one friend over and they go to dinner with the family and out to do something after. They all talked about what they did for their 21st birthday's as well. Sully said he puked his face off, how could anyone have doubted that? Crystal said she thinks she spent it at home because she had her 2 year old son at the time, and Kevin went out drinking with his buddies, but did not puke. Lucky him. Kevin did bring up a time he had "White Russians" after beer and projectile vomitted everywhere. Lots of reminiscing here that you're sure to enjoy!<br><br>Crystal went to Vegas for her birthday this year and talked about how she wants to have a relaxing, "kid free" time with her best friend. We're bound to hear some good stories out of this trip on a future episode, as Crystal never lets down. Vegas baby, and Happy Birthday to our right hand girl, Crystal!