
Hellbound with Halos show

Summary: What makes a friend? Why do we call some our "BFF's", while others are "just friends"? Kevin &amp; Sully go in depth in this episode all about friendship. From, who your "bury a body" friends are to ones that betray and back stab you.<br><br>Sully has levels of friends. A level one friend is where you maybe text each other here or there. A Level 2-3 is where you text/call and joke with one another. Level 4 is going to each others house and hanging, having a drink or two, and so on. Level 5 is the bury a body friend. But friends don't take much to show their true colors either. Have you ever had a friend that talked behind your back and you found out about it? How about when you needed someone to talk to and they ghost you? Those are the times when you find out who your true friends are. <br><br>Kevin keeps his circle of friends small. He describes how podcasting has helped him open up a little more on his personal life to people he's never met. He talks about how he really doesn't like people knowing a lot about him, but realized quickly through podcasting that it's helped teach him to open up a bit. Kevin doesn't easily trust people but says his ability to "read" people's personalities, has helped immensely. <br><br>Always putting a fun, yet truthful twist into episodes, Kevin &amp; Sully will have you not wanting to pause this episode to pick up that phone call at work.