Mark 6:14-20

Pray Every Day show

Summary: Today’s Scripture:<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> 14 Jesus had become so well known that King Herod received reports of all that Jesus was doing. Some were saying[<a title="See footnote a" href=";version=VOICE#fen-VOICE-23693a">a</a>] that John the Baptist[<a title="See footnote b" href=";version=VOICE#fen-VOICE-23693b">b</a>] had been raised from the dead and that these mighty works were the fruits of his resurrection.<br> <br> Others (disagreeing): 15 No, this Jesus is Elijah, returned to work on the earth.<br> <br> And still others said He was another of the prophets.<br> <br> Herod (to himself): 16 No, it is John, the prophet I beheaded, risen from the dead.<br> <br> For the blood of John was on his hands. 17-18 Herod had imprisoned John in the days before Jesus began His teaching. John had preached to Herod that he should not have married his own brother’s wife, Herodias, for so it is written in the Hebrew Scriptures: “It is not lawful for one to marry his brother’s wife.”[<a title="See footnote c" href=";version=VOICE#fen-VOICE-23696c">c</a>]<br> 19 Herodias held a grudge against John and would have had him killed, but she couldn’t. 20 Herod feared John as a holy and righteous man and did what he could to protect him. John taught hard truths,[<a title="See footnote d" href=";version=VOICE#fen-VOICE-23698d">d</a>] and yet Herod found he usually liked hearing them.<br> So Herod had put John in prison instead of executing him; <br> <br> <br> <br> Pray Every Day is now an APP!<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Access Pray Every Day every single day on this new app! Not only can you listen, but I’ve created 365 daily devotions you can read as well–all about connecting deeply with Jesus, finding healing, and experiencing His presence. Download the app here:<br> <br> * <a href="">Google Play</a><br> * <a href=";mt=8">Apple</a><br> <br> Journal:<br> <br> <br> Now you can<a href=""> journal your way through the Pray Every Day Show!</a> WOOT! This 92-day lined journal will take you through 92 days where you reflect upon the scripture I’ve read. Simply come here, write down today’s verse (there’s space for that), then pen your prayer below. There’s also space every day to list things you’re grateful for and reflect back upon answered prayer. Collect all four for a year’s worth of reflection!<br> <br> Join the Movement:<br> <a href=""></a><br> Support Pray Every Day in a tangible way! <a href="">Click here</a> to become a patron of the show.<br> If you <a href="">support the show at $10 or more per month</a>, you’ll receive free original artwork AND your name on Pray Every Day’s brick wall (below). The wall is posted on every single show post DAILY. Woohoo! Here are our current $10 or more sponsors who believe in bringing Pray Every Day to the nations!<br> <br>  <br> <br> Subscribe:<br>  <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>