288 Unleashed Potential

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> There was a moment in time when God was at the work of forming you. You are not the result of some mass production assembly line. You are the result of a creator who wanted you and his desire for you lead him to handcrafting you with great detail. And while the color of your eyes and the rhythm of your heart were of concern to him, of greater concern was your potential. Your potential is what dwells within you as the seal of your creator. The mark of a human being not meant for sheer survival, but created for a purpose with a destiny in mind.<br> God could have easily made robots. He could have cranked out cookie cutter human beings who never strayed and never wandered. But instead he choose to make you and me. You, the one who sometimes forgets her value and worth, and me the one who sometimes struggles with the same. Me the one who stresses over minor things and complicates what should be simple, and you who probably has the same problem. Yes, us. The ones perfectly placed to live their days in this exact time and place in history. There’s no mistake in this. It’s all by great design, not coincidence. And what is missing in your world today just happens to be a hole the exact size and shape of the potential you have within you. You are the missing piece. You, the best of you, and all of you is what your world has been desperate for.<br> But here’s the problem … we’ve been playing little. We’ve been sitting it out. We’ve been going through the motions. And that God inspired, God shaped, God given potential placed within us during our creation has gone untapped. Within you is something special. What is it?<br> I’m currently reading a book called “Outrageous”. The tagline is “Awake to the unexpected adventures of everyday faith.” It’s the story of a man named Aaron whom God has called to radical adventures for his glory. And through these adventures he is impacting the lives of people around the world. Sounds amazing right? But we quickly dismiss ourselves from being able to do the same outrageous living for Christ, don’t we? We settle right in to assuming that’s a life for some, but not for us. We’re just ordinary people. We have a past, and we have a dysfunctional family, and we have these same faults we’ve been struggling with for 10 years. Right?<br> But you see, my thoughts on this have been challenged. Here’s Aaron, the author of “Outrageous” and he’s living this insane adventure literally changing the lives of everyone he comes in contact with. All he’s doing is showing up and doing his best with that special something God has given him. Guess what that special something is …<br> Soccer.<br> Yes, that’s it. This man’s gift is soccer. He knows how to kick a ball really well. As a result Aaron travels around the world, shares Christ with thousands of people and lives an outrageous life.<br> Just soccer.<br> This was his gift, and because he’s fully surrender that gift back to the giver, it has been used in tremendous ways.<br> What have you been given? You have been given potential. Potential comes in many different forms, and the funny thing about potential is it’s easy to see it in others, but self-identified potential is difficult. We’re not trying to live puffed up, self-centered lives, so how do you remain humble while still recognizing within you is something outrageously awesome that this world desperately needs?<br> If you only knew how totally ordinary I am, you likely wouldn’t even tune in. I have zero professional training. I have no special degrees or certifications hanging on the wall indicating I’m the right person for this job. You know what I have … I have the spirit of a morning person. I wake up in a good mood. I wake up with a clear mind. And I can type really fast as God speaks to me.