Hopes, Headlines and Hoopla

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Rep Says Reparations Should Be Paid to Families Separated at the Border…VA Gov. Advocates Post-Birth Abortion...Self-Driving Cars Aren't Coming Anytime Soon…5G Deadly?Arizona: Is a Public Health CrisisAmericans Bored With Sex'Digisexuality' The 'New Thing'$1 Trillion In New DebtKids To Get Kevlar BackpacksConvington Teen Preparing LawsuitRituals, Habits and Success So hit the play button! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christopherscottshow/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Christo98177622 SUBSCRIBE AT: http://www.christopherscottshow.com Common Sense by Thomas Paine Re-Written In Modern English by Christopher Scott:  https://thebookoncommonsense.com/common-sense-by-thomas-paine/