The Truth About Solar and the New Green Deal

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: I want to talk about solar today, mainly because there's so much misinformation out there:   How did it get so politicized?The simple answer is,  it's a money grab, but it's not as much as you'd believe.U.S. spends $1.2T annually on energy, but that's all energy.How’s that pay for free college, free healthcare and basic guaranteed income?Only about half of that is electric around $600B.Medicare budget $700B.Can't fund the New Green Lie with $1.2T .Here's another dirty little fact, it's still very expensive.Even if 100% of the energy was produced by solar (for free) the cost won't be free.The only reason so many people are going to solar is because of the grantsGovernment pushing in money, creating artificial demand.What does artificial demand do? Solar is great, so that leaves one question. How do we rationally and sensibly take advantage of it? Get my book How To Get Common Sense Even If You Don't Know What It Is: Free on Audible: