Final Death Blow to Real Estate Brokers

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: Is this the death of real estate brokers? A class action law suit that’s threatening the way realtors do business. Alleging conspiracy to require home sellers to buyer broker commissionsAlleging certain entities, MLS, NRA, big brokers, control the sales processSay they are creating an unfair burden of paying these feesSay buyer brokers should be paid by the buyer, not effectively forced on the sellerThey say because of the system there’s no way to keep broker fees competitiveAllege, listing without buyer broker fees, or lower buyer broker fees aren’t shownSay there is little need for buyer brokersAlleges violations of anti-trust laws (price fixing)Class action suit requesting triple damages I'm joined today by a special guest and personal friend Glenn. Glenn shares a fantastic personal story. You can see the full video of that story HERE: Glenn Freezman speaking at The Jim Smith, Jr. International Summit