Does Anybody Have Common Sense Anymore?

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: Big show today, I’ll be joined with my co-host Big Mike. The big topics: Nick Sandman, he was the Covington kid that was down in Washington and made the mistake of SMILING at an American Indian. The media destroyed him, a 17 year old kid, destroyed by the liberal media. This is how dangerous and out of control the media is. Now he’s filing lawsuits, his lawyer says $250M against CNN. Economy:  Is Trump failing on the economy? USA Posts Record Trade Deficit... Gap with China all-time high... Budget Deficit Widens 77%... NY Fed: Growth to slow 'considerably'...Why is nobody talking about the budget or the trade deficit? New Green Deal, Support for Sanders, Solar myth…SHOCK POLL: Half of young Americans want to live in socialist nation...  Does anybody have common sense anymore? We’ll see. Follow me on Facebook for Sunday LIVE videos: SUBSCRIBE AT: Get my book How to Get Common Sense Even If You Don't Know What It Is, FREE on Audible with your free Audible Trial: