Karma Isn't Real,,, Just Ask Aaliyah Featuring (future) President Nancy Lieberman, current NBRPA President Scott Rochelle, & Matt Fish from Rebound Magazine

Mickstape show

Summary: For some reason, Withers and Coley go down a rabbit hole of the Billboard charts over the years and boy howdy does it go off the rails quickly and in a hurry. From a basketball sense, Lauri and LaVine bludgeoned the Celtics to a pulp. And what the friggin' heck are the Pelicans supposed to do with Anthony Davis for the rest of the season? Then we get into interviews from NBRPA All-Star weekend with our actual pals Nancy & Scott and new pal Matt to kick off the #TrillyLegends Tour (02:47:45 - 03:23:07) ...Also #LIEBERMAN2020.