#2025 Headlines | 2/14/19

Pat Gray Unleashed show

Summary: Pat Gray Unleashed Topics:  Hour 1: A family in Florida has decided to raise their child as gender neutral calling the child, “Thereby” instead of “baby”. A recap of the Green New Deal which is making it’s way in Washington for a vote. Meanwhile, California cancels it’s plans to finish building a high-speed railway because they’ve realized just how expensive it is. Bob Menendez questions the practice of charging illegal aliens with DUI’s and Jussie Smollett gives first interview to ABC News. Hour 2: Beware, the word “Democracy” is being used interchangeably with the word socialism. The possibility of a 70-90% tax on wealth. Nasa announces that a space rover has died  after 14 years on the planet where it traveled over 26 miles. Kamala Harris smoked weed…maybe.  Title: #2025 Headlines | 2/14/19 Season: 2019 Episode: 32