'Like the Berlin Wall' | 2/19/19

Pat Gray Unleashed show

Summary: Pat Gray Unleashed Topics:  Hour 1:  Jussie Smollett will have more questions to answer as the Chicago PD reaches out for another interview. The celebrities that supported his story are now beginning to backtrack and delete social media posts… Will the media do the same? New poll reveals the Government is the biggest problem facing America right now… Who knew? Bernie Sanders is running for President. A full rundown of everyone in the 2020 race...one candidate has already dropped out.  Hour 2: AOC compares the border wall to the Berlin Wall.  Are the progressive Democrats here to stay?  A list of the newly progressive Democratic leaders in Congress.  Pat receives a mysterious hate e-mail. Transgender women in sports. Tennis player, Martina Navratilova has some comments for the new competition. The head of the DNC says Democrats are fighting for the middle class to succeed through socialism. Emoji's are officially involved in court cases.  Title:  'Like the Berlin Wall' | 2/19/19 Season: 2019 Episode: 35