Calling Socialism What It Is  | 3/5/19

Pat Gray Unleashed show

Summary: Pat Gray Unleashed Topics: Hour 1: Bernie Sanders is standing his ground on his 2020 platform while speaking to supporters about transforming America. The Dallas Morning News says that Republicans have made Socialism the boogeyman of the 2020 election. AOC struggles to take a firm stance on the Maduro administration and the crisis in Venezuela. The Democrats have embraced socialism in their party but why can’t they admit it?  Hour 2: Are bugs the food of the future?  The second part of the HBO Michael Jackson documentary premiered last night, raising more questions about the legacy of the “King of Pop”. The Royal Family may raise their newest addition as gender fluid. Will the monarchy stand the test of time in the 21st century? An upset in the bridge community after one of the top players is caught doping. Hillary Clinton has some answers for her 2016 loss.  Title:  Calling Socialism What It Is  | 3/5/19 Season: 2019 Episode: 45