Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/14/19

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, twelve Republican Senators and fourteen Republican Members of the House voted with Speaker Nancy Pelosi to block President Trump’s National Emergencies Act today. They do not have enough votes to stop his veto power, but the media is having a field day with this "defection." Pause and put yourself in the President's shoes; he runs a campaign on the issue of securing the border, he requests the funds for border security and Pelosi says no. Subsequently, the government is partially shut down because Congress continues to block him. So he uses his constitutional authority as head of the executive branch to use congressionally authorized statutes to declare a national emergency under the National Emergencies Act. Vowing to fulfill his duties as President and use already appropriated funds from the military to build the border barrier. Now, Congress is voting against him to block the use of his statutory authority and constitutional mandate to uphold the Constitution and protect our nation. Then, CNN's John King misrepresented the commentary on this program on his TV show. Depicting Trump's use of a Congressional Act is legal, unlike President Obama's abuse of executive orders when he governed by fiat and created the DACA legislation without going through Congress, or how Obama violated the treaties Act when he again skirted Congress with his Billion-dollar Iran Deal. Afterwards, a federal court has ruled that the gun maker Remington can be sued for the Sandy Hook massacre. Finally, Congressman Beto O'Rourke who was convicted of a DWI is now running for President.