KOL258 | Liberty Forum Debate vs. Richard Garza: Immigration Reform: Open Borders or Build the Wall?

Kinsella On Liberty show

Summary: Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 258.<br> <br> This is my debate at New Hampshire Liberty Forum, Feb. 7, 2019—really more of a roundtable discussion of immigration policy from a libertarian perspective. The other panelist was Daniel Garza, President of the LIBRE Initiative, and the moderator was Jeremy Kaufman. Some listeners may be surprised at my pro-immigration comments.<br> <br> Recorded on my iPhone. I'll upload a higher quality version later, if it becomes available.<br> <br> Related links:<br> <br> I’m Pro-Immigration and Pro-Open Borders<br> Switzerland, Immigration, Hoppe, Raico, Callahan<br> KOL160 | Bad Quaker on IP, Hoppe, and Immigration<br> Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s “Immigration And Libertarianism” at Lew Rockwell<br> My article  Simple Libertarian Argument Against Unrestricted Immigration and Open Borders