Keep Your Hair on!

Europe Calling show

Summary: With an unemployment rate of 3.5%, the Netherlands has become a European laboratory for the creation of flexible jobs for young workers. But the shadow of exploitation looms over its ability to attract temporary foreign workers, especially the unskilled ones. Spain is the healthiest country in the world, according to a study of 169 nations by Bloomberg. After climbing six rungs from 2017 and pushing Italy from first spot, Spain now ranks at the top of the Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index, which considers several factors that contribute to overall health, such as life expectancy at birth, sanitation and health services Voz agreed to support the Popular Party (PP)’s Juan Manuel Moreno as the new regional premier in exchange for concessions on education, family and cultural issues. ”The number of people who fell ill after eating at the Michelin-starred restaurant RiFF in Valencia has risen to 29, according to the regional health department. This figure includes the 46-year-old woman who died on Sunday morning after dining at the gourmet restaurant the previous night. Her husband and 12-year-old son also suffered from food poisoning. ….. .... ...... can hear termites scuttling around her home in Tacoronte, a municipality on Spain’s largest Canary Island Tenerife. She keeps a box of sedatives in her kitchen to help her cope with the stress. The evil killer worried there was a 'price on his head' and that publishing his name could make the situation worse in prison........But the judge said it would be 'naive' to think that inmates in prison would not already be aware of his conviction after his name had already appeared on Facebook, Twitter andGoogle searches. A student who claimed the NHS should not be free to immigrants and lamented about the 'Islamisation' of Britain has been kicked out of his university. ..... expressed his controversial opinions during class seminars and the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) decided to suspend him after they received several complaints about his behaviour. 'The wife of ......s who killed a motorcyclist when she failed to stop her Land Rover at a dangerous junction has been spared jail. Acourt heard d dropped her children off at school and was heading back to the family's £1million home when she pulled across a dual carriageway in her £47,000 Land Rover Discovery. Hair follicles could in the future be 'banked', cloned and used later in life to treat balding by a British company. Millions of adults will be able to have follicles taken from their scalp and put into storage, with procedures starting within the next year, the experts hope.