Tourism Boom for Spain

Europe Calling show

Summary: ....The European Commission (EC) has forecast a 1.3 per cent growth for this year, followed by 1.6 per cent in 2020. The Spanish government will work to make things easier for British residents in Spain, even those without permanent residency status, in the event of a no-deal Brexit. SPAIN spends 23.7 per cent of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on its state school system, the 10th highest level in the world according to a new ranking. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)’s report showed Spain came ahead of Britain, the Netherlands, the US and New Zealand. NEW figures show Spain invested 0.25 per cent of GDP on public aid in 2017, making it the third lowest-spending country in the European Union. SPAIN has the highest proportion of people employed for six months or less compared with 18 European countries, according to the UN’s work agency which said such contracts harm workers. The tourism boom continues unabated in Spain. The month of January set a new historical record for both tourist arrivals and spending: nearly 4.2 million visitors came to Spain, a 2.2% rise from the same month last year, and they spent a total €4.7 billion, 3.6% more than in January 2018. A 17-year-old girl scout stabbed to death on Friday was killed in cold blood astwo men walked straight up to her and one of them knifed her in the back, police have revealed. Muslim children have been withdrawn from a school in protest against lessons about homosexuality and gender equality. ......... Ten sailors are facing serious disciplinary action after carrying out sickening sexacts in a country pub in full view of members of the public........... Radio 2 hasn't played a solo Jackson track since last Saturday, when they broadcasthis 1979 hit Rock With You.