LOTSL 283 It’s A Real Kobayashi Maru Maneuver!

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Summary: Amazingly, Brenda Boo is once again off on assignment and the LOTSL Boyz are left to their own devices... Andy Cowan is fucking everywhere. The LOTSL gang tells all about their New Year’s Eve activities. Raiders of the Lost Ark, spiders, spider-Webs and Karen Allen. Doc Stone has a LOTSL SIGNATURE RANT and it is all about the over-use of certain words, including “creepy.” ThatPeterG reveals his genetic “23 And Me” ancestry results, which he describes as being the most boring ever… Car questions for the Fey Driver! Toppie shares a Nordic Lifestyle called “Pants Drunk”! The LOTSL gang discusses the opioid crisis. And finally, to end on a lighter note, the boyz of LOTSL talk about the creepiest place they ever had sex! And finally: Doc Stone wants to know What’s the attraction of “chastity devises”?