6 Ways Negative Client Feedback Makes Your Business Better

Goal Setting & Achievement Podcast: Business|Productivity show

Summary: There’s no doubt about it, handling negative client feedback can be downright uncomfortable. No one likes to listen to complaints and no one wants to be criticized or rejected by anyone; even by a client. We’re human; it stings when we fall short of a goal or when we don’t receive the approval we crave. But what if you could get past the discomfort of negative client feedback to discover the benefits that will make your business even better? Okay, let’s get to the 6 Ways Negative Client Feedback Makes Your Business Better… Way #1. It Shows You’re Committed to Your Clients Dealing with less than glowing client feedback, head on and objectively, shows you are committed to ensuring your clients have a positive experience. It’s this commitment to serve them to the best of your ability that attracts more clients. When you’re committed to your clients, they’re committed to your business. Way #2. It’s Not Personal; It’s Perception Instead of getting defensive about what went wrong in the client experience, you learn that it doesn’t have anything to do with you. Negative client feedback isn’t a reflection of how you failed or fell short; rather it’s a reflection on the client’s perception of the experience. Client perception is everything. When you can identify the breakdown in the process that changed the client’s perception from positive to negative, you just identified the kink in the system. Remove the kink, improve the system, change the perception. Way #3. Find Out What They Want When a client offers feedback (negative or positive) it’s a prime opportunity to learn what they really want. When Ideal Clients offer less than favorable feedback, identify what they really want - and deliver it. One word of caution: don’t go changing effective policy to please just one. The goal here is to pay attention to the feedback you receive from Ideal Clients - because they are your target market. Receive all feedback with an open mind, keeping in mind that your goal is to serve Ideal Clients to the best of your ability. Way #4. Brainstorm Creative Solutions Client feedback also allows a “springboard” from which creative solutions can be brainstormed. Don’t be afraid to be innovative and forward-thinking. If an Ideal Client is seeking a service or product that you’re not currently offering (and it will attract more Ideal Clients) - how can you implement it? Just because it hasn’t been done before doesn’t mean there isn’t a way to effectively do it. Listening to what your clients want and need is an invitation to get creative and implement innovative products and services that will serve your clients and grow your business. Way #5. Solicit Client Feedback Before Launching New Products & Services It happens every day; businesses all over the world solicit client feedback before expending time and money on new product and service launches. Instead of waiting for negative client feedback, ask them what they think about new products and/or service ideas. Send out a quick survey that takes no more than a few moments to complete - with an incentive for filling it out. Here are a few examples: • free PDF of an upcoming book (either the entire book or free chapter) • free online access to beta-product or program (full or limited access) • free digital download of a beta-product • discounted or early-bird pricing on a beta-product or program Way #6. Make it Easy for Clients to Submit Feedback Clients can spot a reluctant client-feedback business from a mile away - and it instantly reduces the trust factor. As you well know, when you lose the trust of your clients - you lose business. Make it easy for them to submit feedback by providing contact information that’s easily visible on your business cards, website and marketing materials. You’ll likely find when you provide an easily-accessible feedback system the amount of positive feedback increases. Some firms utilize a board of existing ideal clients to regularly provide feedback and ideas.