Louis Navellier, Bob Hoye, Chris Waltzek Ph.D. & Robert Ian - Februray 15th, 2019 - Goldseek.com Radio. A Spina-Waltzek Production-©2005-2019 http://radio.goldseek.com/ Royalty free music from Google Play. Disclaimer: this show is presented as infor


Summary: Feb. 15th, 2019(S14-E683)Featured GuestsLouis Navellier & Bob HoyePlease Listen HereBob Hoye, Editor & Chief Investment Strategist of Charts and Markets.comrejoins the show with must-hear commentary.The precious metals sector seems like a safe investment strategy amid a "Post-bubble" economic contraction.The dialogue includes further details on his "popular-uprising" thesis.The host presents the compelling findings of the Diehold Foundation, where our star experiences a micro-nova cycle.The host prepared a countdown timer based on the forecast suggested by the Diehold Foundation found below this text.According to the theory, the Sun micro-nova causes half of the earth's atmosphere to evaporate very quickly.The sudden drop in atmospheric pressure freezes the poles and even south of the Arctic circle quickly.Next, much of the ocean supposedly evaporates due to the intense solar rays, flooding the atmosphere with water vapor.The ocean sea level plunges globally by at least 10 feet.The release of enormous water vapor fills the skies, hypothetically with massive clouds, shading out the sunlight.The resulting yearlong winters create huge arctic sheet build up of up to a mile or more in depth.12,000 years later, the massive ice sheets are reportedly flash melted resulting in biblical flooding, i.e., Noah's Ark-like.The the cycle repeats - the next micro-nova could take place in less than 28 years +/- a few years.According to the theory, the bifurcated cycle will result in massive ice sheets covering most of the regions.How will 8-10 billion people (28 years from now) survive when the bread basket regions experience yearlong winters?The solar flares and solar projectiles reportedly found on earth and our moon hint at impacts of 20,000+ mph.Also, epic droughts, earthquakes registering 9.5+ on the Richter scale, and a nascent ice age all could unfold.The host proposes 99.99% of the planet's population may face an extinction-level event from the purely natural phenomenon.One possible solution - large solar mylar sheets deployed in orbit above the earth could redirect 2x's the typical sunlight.The earth's populace could be temporarily housed on the safest side of the earth during the micro-nova.The Southern Hemisphere at the highest altitude possible, perhaps the Andes of Peru, S.A. the Himalayas, the Alps.Australia could be the safest place on earth in 28 years, as the earth's position and exact time of the nova is unknown.Might Elon Musk's push to build a colony on Mars be influenced by the micro-nova phenomenon?The host posits Mars is an interesting alternative to the Earth given the potential for habitability on mars via the polar ice caps as a water source and the far greater distance from the sun lowering the shotgun like impact of the sun's crust projectiles exponentially, as well as the fact that the sun will theoretically shine brighter over Mars once its outer shell is released, raising the ambient temperature on the currently frigid planet?Louis Navellier of Navellier & Associates returns with key insights on advanced investment portfolio analysis.The Navellier Tactical ETF ranked #2 in Morningstar's service and topped the list for 3 consecutive years.The relative strength of the US dollar continues to funnel capital from global investors seeking into US Blue Chip shares.Investors across the globe are pursuing better than typical, expected-returns via higher dividend yields in the US.The EU drama could exacerbate the situation, a tipping point of sorts leading to the influx of funds into the US.Navellier and Associates plans to close the SHY and IEY hedges against US share volatility with a solid profit.The identical investment strategy was suggested by Michael Pento on the show weeks ago.Louis Navellier outlines the nuances of his ETF spread investing-methodology, of successful, Navellier Tactical ETF.Alliteration alert: Investors continue to exit-the-Brexit of uncertainty and yellow-v