#309 Guest: VF Castro: Kliff Kingsbury, Kareem Hunt, Pac - 12, Big 12, College Football Top 4

George Wrighster Podcast by Unafraid Show show

Summary: VF Castro, long time Big-12 writer, author of the book, ‘The Modern Girls’ Guide to the Gridiron’, and Kliff Kingsbury expert. The College Football Playoff committee clearly heard the cries of the analysts to get Georgia in the top 4. They finished 5th and my brain won’t let me comprehend why there was even any discussion about it. Where will former Texas Tech coach Kliff Kingsbury go next? Why are the Big-12 and Pac-12 the Rodney Dangerfield of college football? A video surfaced showing Chiefs running back Kareem Hunt pushing and kicking a woman. He was released by the team. Does he deserve a second chance?