I landed the biggest fish I could find Hal Coleman.

Pest Geek Podcast  show

Summary: I landed the biggest fish I could find Hal Coleman.<br> <a href="http://www.pestgeekpodcast.com/i-landed-the-biggest-fish-i-could-find-hal-coleman/pgp-35-i-landed-the-biggest-fish-i-could-find-hal-coleman/" rel="attachment wp-att-3252"></a><br><br> I have on the phone the legendary Hal Coleman, The man that has shown more people how to make more money in the pest control business than Florida has bugs. <br> Uncensored and Unplugged, Pay attention and take lots of notes, Cus Hal is going to show you how to make it rain.<br> The Pest Geek Interviews The Pest Control Business Coach Hal Coleman<br> Here are the top questions I asked Hal<br> If someone was going to start a pest control business…what would be the number one piece of advice you would give them?<br> What is the number one mistake new pest control operators make when starting out?<br> Are most people you talk to happy in there business<br> How important is social media ( your website, blogging, facebook, You tube etc.)?<br> How important is it to identify your specific market?<br> Is pest control just about killing bugs?<br> When should you consider firing a customer? Did you ever do that?<br> You can contact Hal Coleman at the following:<br><br> Coleman Services, Inc.<br><br> 770-993-0004<br><br> Hal@HalColeman.com<br><br> <a href="http://www.HalColeman.com" target="_blank">www.HalColeman.com</a><br><br> <a href="http://www.HalColeman.com" target="_blank">www.PestControlMarketer.com</a><br> Would you like to be a part of the podcast or do have a question or comment call the question line 707-395-7378 and leave your recorded question so we can use it on the podcast the question line is available 24/7.<br> A Special Shout Out To<br> Good News Pest Solutions from Nokomis Florida Follow us on facebook<br><br> IPM Innovation Lab @IPM_IL Virginia Tech/Blacksburg, VA twiter<br><br> Working to raise the standard of living in the dev world by reducing damage caused by pests w/out harming the env’t.<br> @pestgeekpodcast and on the web pestgeekpodcast.com<br> This podcast is sponsored by Audible if you like listening to great content you’ll love books on audio. Get a free book download and a free month. By doing so you’ll help support this podcast go to Audibletrial.com/pestgeek.<br> Tech Tip Of The Week<br><br> TeeJet 8006 VisiFlo Even Flat Spray Nozzle 80 Degree $3 and $7<br><br> At 40 psi This nozzle delivers 0.6 gallons per minute<br>