Read Aloud Family With Sarah MacKenzie (Podcast 38)

The Durenda Wilson Podcast show

Summary: Many of you may know Sarah Mackenzie from Read Aloud Revival! Sarah and I have been friends for a few years and I LOVE her!  She is the REAL DEAL! You may be familiar with her first book, Teaching From Rest. It's been a huge encouragement for homeschool moms everywhere! Sarah recently published Read Aloud Family and it's been a huge bestseller!  I believe it's because Sarah articulates what is already in the heart of moms everywhere.  We WANT to connect with our kids.  We WANT meaningful relationships with them, but we are overloaded with information on HOW to do that. In today's podcast, we are going to talk about one of the simplest ways to begin to connect and build relationships with our kids: reading out loud to them.  Many of us can feel disillusioned by the idea that we have to spend copious amounts of time reading to our kids in order for it to count, but Sarah debunks that myth! She shares tips to help make this time happen and we talk about the countless and sometimes surprising blessings of making reading out loud a priority!DON'T FORGET TO LEAVE A COMMENT ON THIS POST ON MY BLOG FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A FREE COPY OF READ ALOUD FAMILY(To find resources mentioned in the podcast, please go to the show notes at