Danny Vega (pt.2) - Ketogenic Athlete

The Robby Row Show Baseball Podcast show

Summary: Danny Vega - Episode 34.2<br><br>In episode 34.2 (part 2) of The Robby Row Show - Danny Vega and I continue our conversation about the keto diet and where it fits in with the athletic world. Should you do keto? If so, when? All these mainstream keto questions answered!<br><br>Special thanks to Perfect Keto for the phenomenal ketogenic products that they produce to help aid in the keto diet, especially if your a beginner. If you’re interested in what they have to offer visit <a href="http://www.perfectketo.com/ROBBYROW" rel="noopener">www.perfectketo.com/ROBBYROW</a> DISCOUNT CODE: ROBBYROW<br><br>I’ve been absolutely loving the Nootropics as of late allowing me to stay super locked in when I have all this podcast editing to do lol.<br><br>You can always find The Robby Row Show on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play.<br><br>You can find Danny Vega on Instagram: <a href="https://www.instagram.com/ketocounterculture/" rel="noopener">https://www.instagram.com/ketocounterculture/</a><br><br>Danny and his family just started a new podcast as well! You can find that here - <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fat-fueled-family-podcast/id1435234704?mt=2" rel="noopener">https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fat-fueled-family-podcast/id1435234704?mt=2</a><br><br>If you enjoyed this podcast, and my lovely voice, I would highly appreciate it if you left a good review on whichever platform you are listening to it on. That goes a long way in growing my audience so more n more people can benefit from the information my guests and I are putting out there! Thank you!<br><br>Robby Rowland (Host)<br>IG - instagram.com/robbyrow12/<br>Website - <a href="http://www.therobbyrowshow.com" rel="noopener">www.therobbyrowshow.com</a><br>twitter - twitter.com/robbyrow_12/