4 | Women of TV Through Time

The Profess-Hers Podcast show

Summary: How did we get from June Cleaver to SVU? What does Friends get right in its representation of women, gender roles and sexuality, and which scenes make us cringe? Why hasn't Mariska Hargitay won every Emmy ever? We’re going to dig into some of the golden girls of TV in every decade - from the 1950s through the present. We highlight landmark shows from every era and discuss their representations of women and how they reflect social progress. Misty takes us through the history of consensus culture, reasons to love Lucy, and what Mary Tyler Moore did for all the women who just wanna wear pants. We also talk about Roseanne, Friends, the Golden Girls, and Law & Order: SVU. We promise there are more TV episodes to come: Handmaid’s Tale, Grey’s Anatomy, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Kristen Bell everything, Orange Is The New Black, plus lots more. Profess-Hers is a podcast written and presented by Misty, a History professor, and Allegra, an English professor, both of whom are here for having a serious, fun conversation about looking at literature, history, current events, pop culture, and media through a feminist lens.