SDH147: How to Create a Lifestyle Change with Your Product with LOLA Founders

She Did It Her Way show

Summary: What if you had to create your market? If your product would only sell if you spread awareness to a neglected topic? For Jordana Kier and Alexandra Friedman, founders of LOLA, the hardest part was making their product a segway to a lifestyle change. LOLA is a 100% organic cotton feminine product brand, and started when Jordana and Alex were struck with the question, 'What's in our tampon?'. Upon further research, they found that big tampon brands didn't have to answer that question because the FDA didn't require it.  This notion angered them, because they felt women had the right to know the contents of what they were putting into a fundamental part of their anatomy on frequent basis. Upon intense market research, they found that other women felt the same. They also found that, like them, the question never crossed their mind about what their tampons and most feminine products were made of.  Alex and Jordana then knew that by raising the question, they had sparked concern about a broader topic, and wanted to be the ones to fulfill that void.  So they started with selling organic cotton tampons and have since spread to panty liners, pads, and non-applicator tampons. Also, LOLA has customizable packaging that allows you to choose how many of each tampon you need (11 regulars, 9 supers, etc.) and they have a subscription service that has them delivered to you!