SDH149: How to Show Up, Get the Work Done and Get Yourself from Point A to Point B with Co-founders of Oars + Alps

She Did It Her Way show

Summary: Are you seeing a void in the market place that is opposite of yours? Do you feel you have the knowledge, passion, and drive to fix it yourself? Mia Saini-Duchnowski, and Laura Cox, Co-founders of Oars + Alps, did extensive market research, and based off what they found,  most women are the gatekeepers to men's skin care products. According to the data Mia and Laura collected, this can start as early as puberty for most men, when their mother's buy them their first skin products; and follows them to adulthood with their spouses or significant others. Mia and Laura can personally attest to this latter notion, because the urge to start Oars + Alps began when their husbands would use their skin care products. (Yup! We've been in the same boat ;) They then found themselves replenishing their own products faster, and women's skin care products can cost around 5x more than men's, said Mia. But also because men's and women's skin are different and their products serve different purposes.