Wednesday August 2 - Full Show

The Dana Show with Dana Loesch show

Summary: Trump unveils merit-based legislation limiting legal immigration. Writer thinks people who aren’t from New York don’t put butter on rolls. Rex Tillerson’s statement on North Korea contradict the President. Republican Jeff Flake wrote a book talking about retreating from Trump. Dana thinks the White House needs to improve their communication strategy and explains why Trump’s approval rating is low. Feminists were mad over Dunkirk. Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs joins us to talk failure of Obamacare repeal and Trump’s new immigration policy. A fist fight erupted in an Orlando mall over free lipstick. More on Debbi Wasserman-Schultz’ DNC IT scandal. Black Lives Matter has a high unfavorable poll. Linda Sarsour wants to help rewrite the 2020 census. Florida Congressman Ron DeSantis joins us to discuss his call for Debbi Wasserman Schultz to testify on her IT employees fleeing to Pakistan and healthcare debate. The NAACP issued a travel advisory due to racism.