Wednesday August 16 - Full Show

The Dana Show with Dana Loesch show

Summary: Today Dana is furious that she has to correct the media on using the landing on Normandy as part of the Alt Right and it's gross and disgusting how some in the media are using that to stir social media. Also why is everyone freaking out about confederate names on schools. Where does it stop, can we all talk without getting out of control about our history.  Also today is the observance of the death of Elvis Presley.Plus some news outlets declare Trump a Nazi sympathizer. Student got attacked by ANTIFA at a Charlottesville vigil for having a YOUNG AMERICA hat. HBO leaked a new episode of GOT.Caller says how can both sides in Charlottesville be compared as the same thats not correct Dana explains the similarities. And incredible but true a Tiki torch company felt the need to tweet a statement saying they cannot control how people use their product but they in no shape or form are associated with the events occurred in Charlottesville. Bonus story of Dana's dog goes to war with a possum and we close out with Dana’s TOP 5 for today which is about YOUR BEST TOP 5 Bands