Yokohama and the Feedback Loop!

That's How I Roll show

Summary: It's Episode 043! Join in the conversation as Jeremiah rolls through the games we play and the lives we live, this week's show features the segments: What's Good in the Neighborhood: Jeremiah discusses the eternal battle with the pool, and got some games on the table-Yokohama, Shahrazad, and some iOS Tigris and Euphrates (Read our written Double-Take Review of the analog version here, and Ascension. Drive-By Review: Yokohama! A great, and heavy worker placement game from Tasty Minstrel Games, check soon for a written review coming soon! The Corner of Thought and Conversation: Jeremiah asks 2 Legit Questions about the games we play and the life we live! 1. What is your go to HEAVY worker placement game? 2. What is something you had to work really, really hard for? and was it worth it? The Feedback Loop: It's back and we feature a couple responses to last week's Legit Questions! Produced by Jeremiah Isley