47 - Essential Oils for PCOS- How and What To Use

PCOS Diva Podcast show

Summary: We're taking supplements, exercising, working on stress reduction, and eating clean. So where do essential oils fit in to our PCOS lifestyle? I use them as a part of my daily regimen. Research shows that oils can help with everything from insulin and blood sugar control to hormone balance, stress reduction, and even help decrease the cortisol that's prevalent with PCOS women. Essential oils can also help with other common PCOS symptoms such as GI inflammation, candida, yeast, anxiety, and depression. I invited Dr. Meaghan Kirschling to explain some of the basics. Listen as she explains: How to choose the right oils and dosages for your symptoms How to identify a well-made pure essential oil When and how to choose a carrier oil Safe and effective methods for using oils