032:) Clearing Energy Blocks from Childhood Trauma

The Holly Tse Show: Express Your Brilliance with Ease and Flow show

Summary: Inspired by questions from listeners and students, this episode addresses emotions held inside the body due to childhood experiences. Many of these emotions such as fear, guilt, shame, anxiety, and anger are stored in specific areas in the body. For example, think of a a stomach tied up in knots. Over years, or even decades, these emotions can result in energy blocks and constrictions. We may also find ourselves acting in ways that are not productive or that limit our experiences because we repeat the coping mechanisms we learned as children for dealing with these emotions. Listen in to today’s episode for a very special Dragon Spirit meditation that’s got an energy boost from a group of students on the path of healing and expansion. After listening to this episode, you’ll initiate the process to begin clearing energy blocks and releasing negative patterns and behaviors, so that you can live a happier, healthier, and more fun life.