"Expectations vs. Reality"

Hellbound with Halos show

Summary: Ever had an image in your mind about the way something was going to play out? Or at least how you thought it would be? Only for it to be something completely else, or the scenario not playing out even close to what you had imagined. Usher in the latest Hellbound with Halos, "Expectiations vs. Reality"<br><br>Kevin, Sully &amp; Crystal start things off talking about one example of the ice creams from the little neighborhood ice cream truck. Remember those? You'd get all excited for the superhero pop and it either tasted like shit, or looked nothing like the front of the package. Or another example of recipes on Pinterest... that beautiful meal and what it looks like after it's done, and yours looks nothing like it, or resembles more of an alien life form. These are the expectations and realities of life. Expectations are our thoughts about how something is going to be or how we imagine it. The reality is, our expectations seldom meet or exceed what the true reality is.<br><br>How about adulthood? Think back to when you were 18. Ahhhh, the day you could slam the door in your parents face and be a "man" or "woman" for the first time. Not shortly after, having that door slam you so hard back in the face because it's a lot harder than you had anticipated.<br><br>This happens all the time in life, throughout life, and it takes time to learn to keep expectations lower so that you don't feel let down. The crew talks about all these things and more in this fun episode. Kick back, relax and think back to all of your expectations in life, and whether they came close to being reality or not.