President Trump Can Fix This Mess: Here's What He Needs To Do

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: How Does President Trump Fix Immigration Without Any Support? President Trump is caught in a political trap. Whatever he does he’s criticized for it. He closed the government they criticized him. He opened the government they criticized him. Even some of his most enthusiastic supporters have turned against him. Even the Pope has criticized him! What’s missing is a plan to fix this mess. Congress has turned into a cesspool that’s so toxic they can barely function. There’s a ton of critics, opinions and propaganda, but who’s offering solutions? President Trump was elected to bring this country back from bankruptcy and restore our sovereignty. How does he do that know that everyone is against him? READ THE ARTICLE:What President Trump Needs To Do To Get The Wall Built FOLLOW: Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE AT: