Will You Be Ready For The Next Recession?

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: There’re always hard times, and there will be a recession it’s just a matter of when. The question is, will you be ready for it? Everybody's broke and miserable. Do you see how that goes together? Broke and broken it goes hand and hand. The key is don’t stay broke. The number of people that don't have access to $1,000 is staggering. How do you do that? The answer is simple, it's like anything you have to have a plan, and you have to keep track. So hit the play button! FOLLOW: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christopherscottshow/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Christo98177622 SUBSCRIBE AT: http://www.christopherscottshow.com   Common Sense by Thomas Paine Re-Written In Modern English by Christopher Scott:  https://thebookoncommonsense.com/common-sense-by-thomas-paine/