Alcoholism – a Personal Journey – Episode 85

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: What did you think when you first heard the statement that alcoholism is a disease? Did is seem like a cop-out? Did you feel that your loved one just needed to drink normally!? Today, Spencer explores his personal journey of coming to an understanding of this cunning, baffling, and powerful thing called alcoholism.<br> <br> Here's a rough outline of the journey in bullet points:<br> <br> Alcoholism? Is that a thing?<br> Alcoholic? Certainly not!<br> The poster.<br> Early explanations<br> Genetics<br> Brain chemistry<br> Recovery and relapse<br> Open talks<br> Eye opening<br> Coming to see the arc of the story -- one story in many lives<br> Finding hope<br> Disease concept<br> Brain chemistry?<br> A disease that denies itself<br> Chronic, Progressive, Fatal unless arrested<br> No known “cure” but can be treated<br> Like cancer in remission<br> Lifetime treatment (like diabetes)<br> Compassion<br>