The 4 L’s – Episode 133

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: In recovery we listen to each other; we learn from each other’s experience strength and hope; we let go of our need to control others; and find love for them. These are the 4 L's.<br> <br> Spencer and Pat discuss "listen, learn, let go, and love", prompted by these questions.<br> <br> Do you try to fix others if they are sharing a problem or difficulty?<br> Do you have to “be right” or have the last word in discussions or arguments?<br> Do you feel you have to convince others of your point of view?<br> When someone disagrees with you do you feel inadequate? do get angry or defensive?<br> Do you have difficulty moving from PAUSE to saying something that uses the THINK (Is what you are going to say Thoughtful, Honest, I, Necessary or Kind) principle?<br> What am I learning when I practice the 4 L’s?<br> What am I letting go of when I practice the 4 L’s?<br> How does listen and learn apply to Al-anon meetings?<br> Do you take care of everyone else’s needs before listening to and addressing your own?<br> Do others’ needs take priority before you care for yourself?<br> Upcoming topics include Surviving the Holidays, and Concepts 11 and 12. Please call us at 734-707-8795 or email with your questions or experience, strength and hope.