Joy, Fulfillment and Wonder – Episode 144

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-676"></a>Do you have joy in your life? Do you feel fulfilled? Are you finding these gifts in recovery? Or are you still waiting for them to come? <br> In this first episode in a series, we explore a “<a href="">Gift of Al-Anon</a>“.<br> We will become mature, responsible individuals with a great capacity for joy, fulfillment, and wonder. Though we may never be perfect, continued spiritual progress will reveal to us our enormous potential.<br> Spencer and Brooke explore how this gift is appearing in their lives, guided by these questions.<br> <br> If you had read or heard this statement when you had just arrived in Al-Anon, what would you have thought of it?<br> <br> would you have made sense of it at all?<br> would you have believed it could be true for you?<br> Did parts of that statement seem true already? Which parts and why?<br> <br> <br> As you have traveled your recovery path, how has your understanding of this statement changed? <br> <br> Are there parts you thought were true that you came to see were not true?<br> Did parts of it start to make sense?<br> Did you find a deeper understanding of parts of it?<br> Did you see that this was true of others in the program, and come to want it for yourself?<br> <br> <br> How do you see this gift coming true in your life today?<br> What progress do you still look forward to?<br> What would you say to a newcomer who can’t believe this could ever come true in their own life?<br> <br> Upcoming topics include recovery in divorce. Please call us at 734-707-8795 or email <a title="Send us mail" href=""></a> with your questions or experience, strength and hope. Or just leave a comment right here.<br> <br> Music from the show<br> Joseph suggested “The Weight” by The Band as a song that feels good.<br> <br> Susan said “it reminds me of my recovered self” when she recommended “Inner Ninja” by Classified.<br> <br> About “Lost in my Mind” by The Head and the Heart, Kathleen wrote<br> I love this song for its tone of compassion for overthinking and obsessive thinking. It was a theme song in the movie Silver Lining Playbook and I just heard it performed by staff and some patients at a charity event at the mental health facility, Skyland Trail in Atlanta, GA. Very powerful moment for me as an Alanon and mom of a daughter with bipolar disorder.<br> <br>  <br>