Five Years of Recovery – Episode 227

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: <a href=""></a>The first episode of The Recovery Show was posted to the internet on Dec 10, 2012. It’s hard to believe that we are now 5 years and 227 episodes in. What has 5 years of podcasting meant to me? What has it meant to you?<br> <br> * How did it happen?<br> <br> * 6 years ago — the only “podcasts” I listened to were NPR shows like “Car Talk” and “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me”.<br> * I first heard about recovery podcasts from my friend Mark, who produces “Recovered”<br> * I asked him to be my sponsor in early 2012, and he said “would you like to be in my podcast?”  I had to think about it!<br> * Started guest hosting in Recovered Spring 2012.<br> * Said “we should do an Al-Anon episode”. Mark responded “You should do an Al-Anon podcast!” What?!<br> * Thought about it. Talked to some friends about it. Decided to give it a try.<br> * Early December 2012, Kelli, Swetha, and I recorded our first “pilot” episode with a conversation about boundaries. The audio quality was not good, but we decided to post it anyway.<br> * I bought some microphones and a mixer, and by episode 4, we decided it was no longer a “pilot.”<br> * During the next 11 months we consistently had 3 hosts for each episode, and sometimes an additional guest.<br> <br> <br> * Changes!<br> <br> * In October, 2012, Kelli and Swetha decided they could not continue with the podcast.<br> * What to do!?<br> * <a href="/47">Episode 47, “Changes”</a> records my reaction, as I tried to draw on my program tools, and move forward.<br> * I was challenged to find co-hosts, because I thought I needed to keep the conversational format we had developed in the preceding 11 months.<br> * Bringing in remote co-hosts.<br> * First remote co-host in <a href="/55">episode 55</a> with Ruth from Germany!<br> * First solo episode: <a href="/66">66 “codependency”</a>.  Challenging myself to do it differently, feeling insufficient.<br> * Later feedback is that people like both formats.<br> <br> <br> * Struggles<br> <br> * Consistency: format, schedule<br> * Finding co-hosts<br> * Keeping track of requests and offers!<br> * Expectations — particularly what I expect you expect of me!<br> <br> <br> * Gratitudes<br> <br> * That Mark suggested it<br> * That Kelli and Swetha were consistent co-hosts, co-creators in the first year.<br> * For all of you who express your gratitude to me.<br> * For all of you who contribute your ESH to the show.<br> * Especially for those who have co-hosted, or who have offered to co-host, even when I lost track of your offer.<br> * To Ruth and Akilah, who were my co-hosts for the Traditions and Concepts episodes.<br> * For your questions and topic suggestions.<br> <br> <br> * How has my recovery benefited?<br> <br> * I have to “dive deep” into a recovery topic almost every week.<br> * I have to move outside my comfort zone, to reach out to co-hosts and ask them for the gift of their time.<br> * The “Step 10 inventory” aspect of “our week in recovery”.<br> <br> <br> * What now?<br> <br> * Keep on as we have done?<br> * What changes would you like to see?<br> * Episode formats: conversation, solo, speaker.  What else?<br> <br> <br> <br> Upcoming episodes include 3 parenting topics: being the sober parent in an alcoholic marriage, parenting an addict or alcoholic child, and parenting in general. Please call us at 734-707-8795 or email <a title="Send us mail" href=""></a> with your questions or experience, strength and hope. Or just leave a comment right here.<br> <br> Music from the show<br> Lori McKenna – Drinkin' Problem<br> <br> Michael Jackson – Man in the Mirror<br> <br> Sam Cooke – A Change is Gonna Come<br> <br>