#385: Making Room For The Magnificent

The Strategic Living Podcast with Brian Holmes show

Summary: Not too long ago I noticed my computer was slowing down a bit. In fact, simple clicks on commands were causing this little spinning beach ball (a.k.a. “the wheel of death” to show up on my screen, and things were at a stand still!<br> <br> After a while, it dawned on me that something was amiss.<br> <br> Upon investigation, I determined that my computer’s hard drive was at 99% capacity, and because of this, my machine was struggling to process all I needed it to do.<br> <br> Solution? – Make ROOM!<br> <br> That's what I did. It took me investing a good bit of time, but I cleaned off my hard drive, deleted tons of files, transferred others to storage, and even defragged my hard drive.<br> <br> You may say, what does this have to do with anything?<br> <br> It has EVERYTHING to do with you and me.<br> <br> In order for new, beneficial things to be added to us, and for those things to function efficiently, we must make room for them.<br> <br> In this episode, I’m talking about Making Room for the Magnificent.