042: Consumed By Fear, Or Courageous And Grateful? You Choose! - Peter Scott IV

The Gratitude Podcast - Stories That Inspire Positive Thinking & Gratitude show

Summary: <p>Peter Scott IV is the Founder of the <a href="https://designafearlesslife.clickfunnels.com/fearless-life-academy-event" target="_blank">Fearless Life Academy</a> and #1 Bestselling Author of “<a href="http://www.amazon.com/dp/B011B3J27G" target="_blank">The Fearless Mindset</a>“.  He is one of the top mindset and fitness mentors for high achieving entrepreneurs in the world.</p> <p>Peter’s life was consumed by fear at a very young age, having to tell his Mother at 10 years old that he no longer felt safe living with her because of her alcoholism.  And later, having to watch his Father give up on life and drink himself to death.</p> <p>Since then, he has dedicated his life to empowering others to conquer their fears so that they create the impact and earn the income they desire.</p> Become a supporter of this podcast: <a href="https://anchor.fm/the-gratitude-podcast/support" rel="payment">https://anchor.fm/the-gratitude-podcast/support</a>