059: Changing The World With A Grateful Heart & Inspiring Her Children To Do The Same - Karen Doerflein

The Gratitude Podcast - Stories That Inspire Positive Thinking & Gratitude show

Summary: <p>Karen Doerflein is a World Changer, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Energy Specialist, World Traveler and Humanitarian originally from Phoenix, but having lived in so many other places around the globe. </p> <p>She'd met numerous celebrities through her charity work including Alice Cooper, LL Cool J, Johnny Depp, but at the same time she was there on the frontline personally helping sick children in Africa, doing her best to aid as many children as she can, while teaching this philosophy to her children as well. </p> <p>Karen has some incredible stories to tell and gratitude is at the heart of many of them. </p> <p>She shares with us:</p> <p>- her experience in Rwanda and Uganda, how people there treated her</p> <p>- the decision her daughter made after moving to Bali, Indonesia</p> <p>- how she sees the harsh experiences she's been through, like loosing $10 million</p> <p>- what loosing her younger brother taught her  </p> <p>- her daily gratitude practice that keep her grateful no matter what &amp; much more</p> Become a supporter of this podcast: <a href="https://anchor.fm/the-gratitude-podcast/support" rel="payment">https://anchor.fm/the-gratitude-podcast/support</a>