Setting Fulfilling Goals For 2018 - Health & Zest For Life

The Gratitude Podcast - Stories That Inspire Positive Thinking & Gratitude show

Summary: <p>Like I say in the episode itself, you can have the most expensive car in the world, or win the lottery, if your health isn't great, their value diminishes quite a lot. </p> <p>There are things that we might be postponing for a while and we know we should take care of, there are habits that harm us, that we can improve, reaching our health goals is, in my opinion, on top of the list, because without it, we can't enjoy the rest &amp; we can't take care of or serve the people that we love. </p> <p>What are your health goals for 2018? I'll be giving you some ideas &amp; some reminders, in this episode. </p> <p>Enjoy! :) </p> Become a supporter of this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>