Setting Fulfilling Goals - Lets Dream A Bit Together (Longer Term Goals)

The Gratitude Podcast - Stories That Inspire Positive Thinking & Gratitude show

Summary: <p>When was the last time that you took the time to dream? To dream of the future? To feel hopeful? To let your imagination run wild about the posibilities of your life?</p> <p>Today, I want us to take the time to do just that and to have a long term perspective on what we want. </p> <p>I don't want us to wait for happiness until we get to that long term dream that we have, but I want it to give us hope and inspiration for our daily life. </p> <p>On hope, I've mentioned Rob Dial's video that went viral, 42 million people watched it and over 1 million shared it (he's a guest of the podcast, you can find the interview with him at: 040).</p> <p>He explains why now is the best time to be alive: <a href="">Click here to see it</a></p> <p>You can also see it on The Gratitude Podcast page on Facebook.</p> <p>Hope this will give you hope and inspiration for the years to come! :)</p> <p>Georgian</p> Become a supporter of this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>