When Paradise became hell

California Nation show

Summary: The Camp Fire has taken the lives of 86 people and has put PG&E in financial peril. We take a look back at the most devastating wildfire in California history. Later in the show, Travis Allen discusses his campaign to be the next leader of the California GOP. He believes the party should align itself closer with President Donald Trump. Finally, in place of our Buzz of the Week segment, we play the full, unedited interview with Congressman Adam Schiff that was cut off in our last episode. For more information on today's episode, visit https://www.sacbee.com/podcasts/california-nation/article224979315.html. You can watch the full documentary, "When Paradise became Hell" here: https://www.sacbee.com/news/article223786265.html. Got Buzz of the Week suggestions? Call 916-326-5538. Send show feedback to host Bryan Anderson at banderson@sacbee.com.