367: Snowmageddon, Cages Only, Big Mouth Design

Everyday Driver show

Summary: The guys could launch a new channel about people entirely unprepared for snow driving. But they’d rather debate the validity of sports cars if they’re not lightweight! Brandon S. in Portland, OR is moving to Colorado and ready for his first sporty car, but he’s not sure what the roads will be like, so the guys factor in budget, insurance costs and commuting. Audience questions on social media cover dealerships and their ability to properly sell electric cars, rising values on late-model cars, and hooning at any age… ‘American Original,’ the Corvette film is streaming on Amazon Prime Video, Blu-ray on Amazon, and also rental on Vimeo. Please rate and review the podcast on iTunes, the Everyday Driver show on IMDB and Amazon Prime, and write to us with your Topic Tuesday discussions and podcast debates at everydaydrivertv@gmail.com or everydaydriver.com. Many thanks for listening and tell a friend!