Diagnosing ASP.NET Core performance issues | On .NET

Channel 9 show

Summary: In the episode, Mike Russo shows us how we can use tools like PerfView and PerfCollect to diagnose performance problems in ASP.NET Core applications. He discusses how we can use the tools for performance analysis on both Linux and Windows servers. Also, we get a demo on how to inspect things like large object allocations, chatty SQL calls, and thread pool health. [04:10] - Introducing the demo[06:03] - Performance Diagnostic tools[08:37] - Collecting performance data with PerfCollect[16:24] - Inspecting performance data with PerfView[25:30] - Common ASP.NET Core Performance Issue[28:49] - ASP.NET Core Performance Best PracticesUseful Links PerfViewPerfCollectASP.NET Core performance best practices