Bonus Patreon Episode #1 of Speculate!–2018 RPGs We Loved!

Speculate! show

Summary: <br> In this bonus episode for Patreon supporters, we talk about some TTRPGs we loved from 2018, looking at the Mexican urban fantasy TTRPG <a href="">Nahual</a>, the hugely successful TTRPG <a href="">Emberwind</a> from Nomnivore Games (full disclosure: Greg does some writing for Emberwind), the space opera TTRPG <a href="">Esper Genesis</a> (again full disclosure: Greg runs a sponsored campaign of this on his channel), and the D&amp;D 5E campaign Yearning to Breathe Free (one more time full disclosure: Mike is friends with one of the contributors). It’s an amazing landscape for TTRPGs right now, and we’re excited to be able to bring you more games from that landscape as the show rolls on! If you like what you hear, please tune in for our next special episode, and please spread the word about the show…and thanks again for supporting our Patreon, allowing you to hear this bonus content. And thanks as always for listening! <br>