Daily Words of the Buddha for January 23, 2019

Daily Words of the Buddha show

Summary: Yadūnakaṃ taṃ saṇati, yaṃ pūraṃ santameva taṃ. Aḍḍhakumbhūpamo bālo, rahado pūrova paṇḍito. Listen Things that are empty make a noise, the full is always quiet. The fool is like a half-filled pot, the wise one is like a deep still pool. Sutta Nipāta 3.726 View Pāli on Tipitaka.org Gemstones of the Good Dhamma, compiled and translated by Ven. S. Dhammika Book Details Pariyatti is a non-profit organization supported by purchases and contributions. http://store.pariyatti.org/donate.html -- Our monthly e-newsletter includes specials from time to time. You can subscribe at: www.pariyatti.org/ResourcesProjects/News/tabid/125/Default.aspx