Ep. 116 Live at Civic Hall Pt. 2: A Demonology of Algorithms with Mark Pesce

Team Human show

Summary: <p>Playing for Team Human today; technologist, futurist, inventor and mage <a href="https://www.markpesce.com/" target="_blank">Mark Pesce</a>.</p><p>In this conversation with Douglas, part two of a live Team Human show at <a href="https://civichall.org/" target="_blank">Civic Hall</a>, Pesce offers a thought-provoking frame through which we might better understand our relationship to algorithms and artificial intelligence:</p><p>What might you call a creature that feeds on your energy, knows your weaknesses, and can tamper with your emotional state in ways that compel you to act beyond your best interest? Centuries ago we might call this a demon. As algorithms are programmed to exploit humans in order to do their bidding, perhaps it's time to interrogate the Faustian bargains we make each time we sign up, log in, and click thru.</p><p>It’s a fascinating and sinuous conversation that exemplifies the creative ways humans, together in a room, can think about technology and reassert power over the devils lurking in the details.</p><p>If you enjoyed this conversation, check out Mark's podcast <a href="https://nextbillionseconds.com/" target="_blank">https://nextbillionseconds.com/</a></p><p>This episode features an Audience Q&amp;A with both guests; <a href="https://teamhuman.fm/episodes/ep-115-penny-abeywardena-live-pt-1/" target="_blank">Penny Abeywardena</a> and Mark Pesce</p><p>Today’s show is sponsored by the advertisements we have planted in your dreams…</p><p>But you can also support us by <a href="https://books.wwnorton.com/books/detail.aspx?ID=4294997566" target="_blank">purchasing the new manifesto, Team Human</a> and becoming a <a href="https://www.patreon.com/teamhuman" target="_blank">patron on Patreon</a>.</p><p>Check out Rushkoff's <a href="https://medium.com/s/douglas-rushkoff" target="_blank">regular columns on Medium</a>.</p><p>On this episode you heard <a href="https://majesticlitter.bandcamp.com/track/xmas-underwater-progress-report" target="_blank">Herkimer Diamonds</a> in the preroll, plus <a href="https://fugazi.bandcamp.com/track/foremans-dog" target="_blank">Fugazi’s “Foreman’s Dog”</a> in the intro. We also played Team Human <a href="https://teamhuman.fm/episodes/ep-31-r-u-sirius/" target="_blank">Episode 31 guest R.U. Sirius</a> in the transition and outro music thanks to the mighty Mike Watt: <a href="http://hootpage.com/hoot_hyphenated-man.html" target="_blank"><em>beak-holding-letter-man</em></a><em>.</em></p><br><hr><p style="color:grey;font-size:0.75em;"> See <a style="color:grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://acast.com/privacy">acast.com/privacy</a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>