Lum and Abner – Abner Has Trouble At Home. 441127f

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Finally returning home after the failed trip to Texas, Abner faces troubles at home. In the store, and taking an order for groceries, Lum shares his anticipation. Squire Skimp drops in to ask if anything is wrong. He didn't see Abner at church over the weekend. <br> As Squire leaves to handle some real estate work, grandpap enters. He gripes over not having his best checker playing buddy, and having to put up with Charlie Redfield. Abner finally arrives yto tell about trouble in the home. It seems that Lizabeth is upset that Abner caught measles on purpose, and wrecked her time to visit her relations down in Texas. <br> Can his marriage woes be patched up? Is Lizabeth being too unreasonable in insisting Abner chop her firewood? She has been giving him the cold shoulder, and not even speaking to him. Grandpap sympathizes. Will Lum at least let Abner move in with him for a while? Will Lum's advice to be a man, and take charge help the situation? <br> <br>